Sunday, March 9, 2008

Critical Analysis 2

When I first heard the song Imagine I was taken back by the first line in the song. Why was John Lennon denouncing religion? This song was written by Lennon in 1971. Lennon was one of the orginal Beatles that went out on is own after the breakup and had a very successful career. He was shot down in front of his apartment in New York in 1980. His life is remembered with the establishment of Strawberry Fields a portion of Central Park set aside for the celebration of his life.
This song, from the beginning to the end, is one of love and hope. I feel Lennon was trying to provide a message that everyone should be considered equal. His attempts to have the listener understand that without labels people are just people, that we are just flesh and bone. He also tries to convey that religion and war are big reasons for problems that are in the world today. He tries to get the listener to understand that the world would be a better place if we could look at each other as human beings instead of put labels on people and being so judgemental.
I feel that the song is one of the best Lennon songs ever composed. His love of mankind, his compassion for humanity, and his never ending desire for peace is seen in these few words.
In my opinion this is a great song. The message it presents is one we should all take a moment to reflect upon. After really listening to the song I don't think Lennon was denouncing religion but trying to get us to understand that we should't judge someone for what they believe in. After some reflection that even though was a dreamer we do all share the world and we need to understand that though we are different and believe in different things we need to try and get along as one.

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